A natal chart (natal horoscope) is a person’s personal horoscope.
This map is based on the exact time and place of a person’s birth. It describes the features of his personality, indicates the patterns of fate, determines the talents and abilities, opportunities, goals and ways to achieve them. This is the potential that is laid down at birth.
A synastry chart is a map of overlap (self + other). It describes the relationship between two people: spouses, relatives, lovers, friends, business partners, colleagues in the workplace. Such a map allows you to see possible stumbling blocks and to find a way around them.
A solar chart is an astrological chart based on a date of birth in relation to a current year or any other year. Allows the astrologer to make a forecast of main events for any year you are interested in.
The horary chart. This is a very powerful system of knowledge; extremely useful when you need to get a specific “yes” or “no” answer quickly. It is unique in that the astrologer does not need to know the time and place of birth of the person asking the question. The basis of the work is a map drawn at the time the question is asked. It allows, for example, to find a missing item. Horary astrology was especially popular in ancient times, when people did not always know the day of their birth.
An elective chart is a chart of timing. It allows you to determine the most auspicious day and time for starting an important case, for a serious action, etc. The principle is the same as in natal astrology: the moment of the beginning (birth) influences the patterns of development (life). The methods of elective astrology are used to select favorable times for marriages, travel, concluding and signing contracts, buying real estate, public speaking, etc.