All charts, be it a horoscope for a week or a natal chart, are made according to a specific methodology based on geometric constructions and mathematical calculations. For a particular point in time (it can be any date) astrologer calculates the position of celestial bodies, he also uses geographical coordinates of the event.
To understand what a horoscope is, you need to imagine the ecliptic – a circle on which the projection of the planets is plotted. It is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is assigned a specific symbol. An analysis of the positions of the heavenly ones shows that each of them falls into one of the segments of the ecliptic, i.e. into a particular sign of the zodiac.
The totality of the data on the coordinates of the luminaries and planets forms the cosmogram of the horoscope.
The basis of astrological description is the interpretation of the scheme, obtained from a symbolic image of the firmament. As a rule, the process of its construction takes quite a long time and requires thorough training of a horoscope specialist.
The fact that not only the position of the Sun, but also the positions of all the planets in the system play a decisive role in human destiny, is best demonstrated by a natal chart.
It is a kind of personal horoscope, relating to the time of birth.
It takes into account not only the date, but also the geographic coordinates and the most accurate time of day. It is believed that even because of the difference of a few minutes, people born on the same day may have completely different traits of character and destiny.
Constructing a horoscope
In general, the method of constructing a horoscope is as follows:
The positions of the planets, the Sun, the Moon and other celestial bodies are calculated for the moment of interest. Ecliptic longitudes of celestial bodies, expressed in angular degrees, are used as coordinates. The ecliptic in the horoscope is divided into zodiac signs. The ecliptic longitudes determine which sign of the zodiac the celestial body falls into.
The angular distances between celestial bodies are calculated. If the angular distance is the value of one of the aspects accepted in astrology, the celestial bodies in question are said to be in this aspect. In a horoscope, the planets in aspect are connected by a straight line segment.
To characterize the state of the celestial sphere in relation to the place of the event, the points of intersection of the ecliptic with the horizon and the points of intersection with the celestial meridian are calculated using geographic coordinates, and the ecliptic is further divided into 12 sectors called horoscopic houses in addition to the zodiacal signs. All data is entered into the cosmogram. This completes the construction of the horoscope.
Thus, the position of a celestial body in the horoscope is characterized by its position in the sign of the zodiac, house of the horoscope, and aspects with other heavenly bodies. In addition to celestial bodies, fictitious objects can also be used in the horoscope:
- Black (Lilith);
- White Moon (Selene);
- Lunar Nodes;
- Arabian points (lots);
- Transneptunian (Uranian) planets, etc.