Whether astrology will become a science with its inherent rigor and firm criteria – only facts can answer this question. Studies of astrological forecasts have been conducted for a long time. However, not all of them can be trusted to the same extent: most often, the research involves forecasts by low-qualified astrologers, or the researcher tries to analyze horoscopes himself, without sufficient astrological knowledge and experience.
Psychologist Dr. Zdenek Rejdak wrote: “The famous Czech scientist Rudolf Tomashek, turning his attention to astrology, tried to find the influence of certain cosmic bodies on earthquakes based on its methods. He has traced these connections – between their epicenters and the position of individual cosmic bodies – over the past 100 years. The patterns he came up with, in his opinion, allow him to predict these formidable natural phenomena.
In meteorology, it is also not always possible to take into account known atmospheric and ionospheric phenomena, the registration of which requires new technology, such as satellite aerial research. The newly collected material will improve meteorological forecasts.
A similar situation exists in astrology. Hundreds of astrological laws are known, but not all of them are understood or known. Many of them need to be clarified.
It is easy to understand why research at the highest scientific level of astrological forecasts in some laboratories does not yield results. For example, at Berkeley College in California, astrological forecasts were made for hundreds of students. The students themselves had to evaluate their compliance with the standardized personal description (SPD). The probability of the results was 50%. When the results were analyzed, it turned out that students are not able to recognize their basic personal qualities. They do not recognize themselves according to the predictions and cannot make their own SEL.
The number of such studies is increasing. The Belgian Academy of Sciences has compiled and studied 100,000 astrological forecasts, which are positive in their results.” They are that the existence of mechanisms for the influence of the heavenly bodies on the fate of people, businesses and entire states does not follow from scientific research. The argument is serious. However, many phenomena were incomprehensible to scientists for many centuries, and then science included them in its field.
That’s why Johannes Kepler needed courage to make his discovery public: tides are the result of the Moon’s influence on the oceans. Galileo Galilei wrote about this as follows: “Kepler surprises me more than anyone else by admitting the power of the moon over water.” In the eighteenth century, the Paris Academy of Sciences did not recognize that stones could fall from the sky until meteorites fell, so to speak, on the heads of academics.
And so it is with astrology: perhaps in the future, researchers will comprehend the connections between the Earth and the Universe that are hidden behind astrological patterns. Most astrologers believe that this study is already an exact science, the heyday of which is yet to come.